Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Each Withdrawal Slip may record one or many Withdrawal Debits .
Each Withdrawal Debit must be recorded by one Withdrawal Slip .
Business Sketch
We can get very creative on how we format the data model, such as the business sketch of
our account example on the following page where we use icons, sets, and pictures. There is
an icon for large documents, such as for Bank Account Statement , an icon for small docu-
ments, such as for Deposit Slip , Check , and Withdrawal Slip , and an icon for transactions
such as for the various credits, debits, and fee. The subtyping structures of Customer and
Account are shown as sets, and there is a picture for the bank branch.
This model is less precise than the prior two because we are not showing cardinality but
instead showing arrows from the parent entity to the child entity (or double-sided arrows
for the many-to-many relationship between Customer and Account and between Account
and Bank Account Statement ). It is also less precise because we are connecting the ar-
rows to Account instead of the Account subtypes (e.g., Check Debit connects to Account
instead of Checking Account ). However, this model could still be a great communication
tool with the business, especially if there are solid definitions for each of these terms.
For Dimensional
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