Database Reference
In-Depth Information
1, 2, 3, 4
1, 2, 3
Scholarship Indicator
Graduation Indicator
High School Application Indicator 4
University Application Indicator
So for question #1, we need to know the number of students receiving financial aid by de-
partment and semester for the last five years. We know the measure is Student Count . It is
always a good idea to end each measure in a classword, which is the last part of the data ele-
ment name. So for measures, this includes terms such as count, amount, quantity, volume,
weight, percent, value, etc. I added Financial Aid Indicator as a flag in this grain mat-
rix so we can determine how many students are receiving financial aid. A value of “Yes”
would indicate that the student is receiving financial aid, and a value of “No” would in-
dicate that the student is not receiving financial aid. Put the question number in the cell
that pertains to it so you can always trace back to the question; for example, question #1
requires the Financial Aid Indicator level. Then we also need to see student count by de-
partment and semester and year, so I put a “1” in each of these cells. Notice that I ignore
value constraints such as “last five years” when filling in the grain matrix and only store at
a year level. Ignoring value constraints makes it easier to see the connections across busi-
ness questions since a question that needs something for the last three years and another
question that needs that same something for the last five years will be the same question if
we ignore the “three” or “five.”
For question #2, I added the Scholarship Indicator as well as Department , Semester , and
Year . For question #3, I added Graduation Indicator , and also the same other three levels
of Department , Semester , and Year . For question #4, we need to distinguish high school
students from students that applied from other universities, and therefore I added the two
indicators, High School Application Indicator and University Application Indicator . I
also added a reference to year because this requirement needs to see the last ten years.
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