Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Can a Check exist without a Check Debit?
Can a Check Debit exist without a Check?
Are there examples of Check that would be valuable to show?
Does a Check go through a lifecycle?
I shaded in sets of rows to make it easier to read the questions for each relationship set.
With the answers to these questions, we have enough information to build the conceptu-
al data model. For example, we can model the answers to the first four questions between
Customer and Account :
Each Customer may own one or many Accounts .
Each Account must be owned by one or many Customers .
Walk through the first four questions and see how it leads to this model. If you need a re-
fresher on cardinality (those symbols on the relationship lines), please refer back to Chapter
Note that often after answering these questions, we uncover new entities. For example,
because “Yes” was checked for Are there examples of Account that would be valuable to
show? , we will most likely show several examples of Account as subtypes of Account on
the model. Because “Yes” was checked for Does a Customer go through a lifecycle? , we
will most likely show the lifecycle of Customer as subtypes of Customer on the model.
Adding new subtypes means defining each subtype and also refining some of the questions
that are asked to the business expert, which leads to refining some of the relationships on
the resulting model. For example, if we add a Checking Account subtype to Account , it is
possible that Check Debit just applies to Checking Account and not to all accounts such
as Savings Account .
For Dimensional
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