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A cipher is a cryptographic algorithm used to perform encryption or decryption through a
series of mathematical steps. When data is converted from plain text to ciphertext or code,
the procedure is known as enciphering or encoding . Similarly, when cipher or code is con-
verted to plain text, the procedure is called deciphering or decoding.
Ciphers can be categorized in a couple of ways:
Block or Stream Ciphers Ciphers that work on blocks of data or on a continuous stream
of data.
Symmetric or Asymmetric Key Algorithms Ciphers that use a key for enciphering and
deciphering. Cipher algorithms that use the same key for both encryption and decryption
are called symmetric key algorithms. Similarly, algorithms that use different keys for both
procedures are known as asymmetric key algorithms.
Symmetric key algorithms require that both sender and recipient share the key. This
could be a security hazard because the key has to be shared. Asymmetric key algorithms
prevent loss of confidentiality due to the public/private key property of such ciphers.
TableĀ 11.1 shows some ciphers with their respective properties and aspects.
TABLEĀ 11.1 Ciphers and their properties and aspects
Key size (bits)
Block size (bits)
Advanced Encryption Stan-
dard (AES), 2001
Block cipher, symmetric
key algorithm
128, 192, 256
Data Encryption Standard
(DES), 1970s
Block cipher, symmetric
key algorithm
56 (+8 parity)
Triple Data Encryption Algo-
rithm (3DES/TDEA), 1998
Block cipher, symmetric
key algorithm
16 8, 112
Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and
Leonard Adleman (RSA),
Asymmetric key algorithm
1,024 to 4,096
Stream cipher
40 to 2,048
Block cipher, symmetric
key algorithm
0 to 2,040
32, 64, 128
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