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Using Pig to Group and Join Items Based on Some Criteria
Pig is a distributed high-level Map-Reduce language for expressing data analysis pro-
grams to analyze large data sets on HDFS. Before beginning, please make sure that
Pig ( ) is installed along with Hadoop and Java. A single-node
Hadoop setup will be sufficient for this exercise.
Let us assume that we have some stock exchange data and we want to analyze it.
A sample of data in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format is given here. Pig supports
a variety of input and output formats, but for this exercise we will use JSON. It is one of
the most widely used industry formats.
Once we have copied NYSE_dividends.json to the HDFS, we need to write a Pig script to
execute over Hadoop. Let us say we want to group this data by symbol and call this script
group.pig . Here symbol represents company stock.
divs = load 'hdfs://localhost:9000/user/myuser/NYSE_dividends.json'
using JsonLoader('date:chararray, dividends:chararray, symbol:chararray,
grpd = group divs by symbol;
store grpd into 'hdfs://localhost:9000/user/myuser/grouped' using JsonStorage();
Next we run the script on the cluster. The local switch option tells Pig to run on the single-
node cluster deployed on the local machine. In case of the default statement (without the
-x switch) Pig would assume it needs to be run in distributed mode and would try to ship
the job to the distributed cluster.
$ pig -x local group.pig
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