Hardware Reference
In-Depth Information
They can also be fetched from the Git repository:
$ git clone --depth 1 git@github.com:raspberrypi/tools.git
Save time with the -depth 1 option to avoid downloading older versions that you are
uninterested in. The git command will produce a subdirectory named tools . After git
has completed, the following additional git steps are recommended:
$ rm -fr ./tools/.git # Delete unneeded .git subdirectory
$ mv tools tools-master # Rename for consistency in this chapter
$ tar czvf master.tar.gz # create master.tar.gz as if we downloaded it
Whether you simply downloaded master.tar.gz or created it in the preceding step
(after using git ), unpack the tarball into /opt as follows:
$ cd /opt
$ sudo tar xzf ~/work/master.tar.gz
This creates the subdirectory /opt/tools-master .
if you have trouble using git from VirtualBox, there may be networking issues
involved (reconfiguration may correct this). the simplest workaround is to simply use
git outside VirtualBox and upload the master.tar.gz file with scp .
If you need to save space and you don't need to use the other tools included, remove
$ cd /opt/tools−master
$ ls
arm-bcm2708 configs mkimage pkg sysidk usbboot
If you are using the cross-compiler from Chapter 6, you won't need the arm-bcm2708
$ cd /opt/tools−master
$ sudo rm −fr arm-bcm2708
To use the image tool, you'll need Python installed, so install it now, if needed.
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