Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
FIGURE 14-5. Bubble diagram of Los Peñasquitos Canyon Preserve design concept.
of similar habitat type occupied by an endangered bird species. The vegetation model, budget-
ary constraints, and anticipated environmental stressors during plant establishment influenced
container size and quantities. Therefore, densities and sizes were the result of the model and of
site-specific mortality expectations.
Permits, Agreements, and Other Documents
Permits and agreements covering streambed alteration (US Army Corps of Engineers 401/404 and
California Department of Fish and Game Streambed Alteration Agreement 1601) were obtained from
the state and federal agencies having jurisdiction. In addition, several local approvals were needed
to work within the county park. Approvals were obtained from six local community planning groups
and from the Los Peñasquitos Canyon Task Force, composed of various governmental representa-
tives. The FLPCP again provided valuable support for the project by speaking in favor of it before
several committees, planning groups, and other governmental bodies, and by writing news articles.
Project Plans
Contract drawings and plans (chapter 9) were prepared based on the preliminary planting plan.
These contract drawings provided accurate (to scale) depictions of planting areas and exact quanti-
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