Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
feel the various species will be best suited, but in the end the species themselves will tell us where
the suitable sites are located.
Habitat Features
Thus far in this chapter, we have addressed vegetation elements and aspects. Habitat features are
focused on specific physical shapes and patterns and their attributes (fig. 6-11). Habitat features can
be formed by parts of plant material or by the physical arrangements of rock and soil. These fea-
tures provide a spatial context that attracts individuals of a species. A goal of establishing habitat for
a species requires that all the elements appropriate for the habitat be present on-site for the species
to become a resident (Morrison, Scott, and Tennant 1994). Or, in the case of providing wintering
FIGURE 6-11. Habitat features encom-
pass a wide variety of components,
including vegetation age and struc-
ture, patterns, presence or absence of
physical elements, and seasonality.
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