Game Development Reference
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This plug-in can offer the features that would enable developers to integrate the new iOS API into
their apps without having to wait for the framework developers to add the functionality.
Interestingly, to have complete twitter functionality in your app, it takes 3 lines of code with this
Plug-in to have the twitter UI interface as seen in Figure 13-8 below.
twit = TWTweetComposeViewController:init()
twit:setInitialText("The tweet here")
getRootViewController():presentModalViewController_animated(twit, true)
Figure 13-8. Composing a tweet using the native Twitter UI running in Gideros Player
This chapter covered many of the libraries that are commonly used with Lua. For more information,
you can also consult the lua-users wiki ( ), which provides many Lua
snippets that aim to resolve specific issues, and also includes attempts by the community to extend
Lua and its functionality.
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