Game Development Reference
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The accelerometer application running in Codea
Downloading Data
In your app, you may want to download data from the Internet while it's running—this might be data,
graphics, or news. The LuaSocket Library is integrated into Codea providing functions to work with
network data and functionality. The http class has a request function that allows for downloading
the data from the Internet.
function done(theData, status, headers)
data = theData
if status == 200 then
print("YAY!! Done")
print("Error downloading the file")
http.request(" ", done)
When we call the request function, we pass it the URL of the data we want to download and a
function that is called when the download completes. The function gets three parameters: theData ,
status , and the headers table. The status is the http code, which is 200 when it succeeds, 404 when
the page cannot be found, 403 for forbidden, and so on.
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