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Finally, we need to fix the image so that it can turn in the direction of our choice, instead of just
moving backward as moonwalking. Here's how we can do that:
local _W, _H =,
local dirX, speed = 1, 10
local theImage, x, y
function love.load()
theImage ="myImage3.png")
x = 50
y = 50,0,0,255),255,255,255), x, y, 0, dirX, 1)
local key = love.keyboard.isDown
if key("up") then
y = y - dirY
elseif key("down") then
y = y + dirY
elseif key("left") then
x = x - dirX
dirX = −1
elseif key("right") then
x = x + dirX
dirX = 1
This allows us to achieve the effect we want without creating a new sprite. We've done this by
manipulating the scale factor. The draw function can take quite a few parameters:, x, y, angle, sx, sy, ox, oy, kx, ky)
Here, sx and sy are what we are interested in. By keeping them at 1, we are not changing the size
of the image, but by setting it as 1 or −1, we can flip the images, so −1 is flipping the image on the
horizontal axis and −1 on the vertical. Figure 11-6 shows how this mirrors our image on the x-axis.
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