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6- Conclusion and Future Plans
This paper introduced a new framework to perform automatic cartographic
generalisation by making optimised use of past research processes: Col-
laborative Generalisation. Within this framework, the CollaGen model
allows to sequence interoperable generalisations of geographic spaces by
the relevant available process. Among CollaGen contributions, a formal
constraints model, a generalisation domain ontology, online evaluation and
side effects detection mechanisms can be noticed.
A lot can still be made to improve both CollaGen and the Collaborative
Generalisation Framework. The side effects correction really need to be
more investigated to know how far corrections can be made without undo-
ing what was previously generalised. In-depth testing (different data and
scale change) of CollaGen and each component is also necessary to iden-
tify remaining issues. Moreover, rather than being implemented on a plat-
form, the available processes could be called as web services as proposed
by (Regnauld 2007).
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