Geoscience Reference
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Observation Component
Generalising a space with the best available process does not guarantee a
complete success. Conflicts clusters may emerge during generalisation and
the observation component allows to detect them as conflicting areas
(Duchêne and Touya 2010). Therefore, the component observes the gen-
eralisations online and evaluates the progress. The observation component
analyses the conflict areas, pauses the process when some are too big,
extends the areas to subserve solving, triggers the registry component to
propose a local solution and once the local conflicts are solved, resumes to
the interrupted generalisation.
The online evaluation embedded in the emergence mechanism, as well as
the global evaluation performed on a geographic space after generalisation
rely on the constraints to guarantee homogeneous evaluation for every
process. To enable this monitoring of the constraints against the data,
located constraints monitors (LCM) are added on each object concerned
by constraints as in (Barrault et al. 2001): if “granularity” and “size” con-
straints are defined on buildings, granularity and size LCMs are added for
every building. LCMs are able to give the satisfaction of the constraint for
the given building.
Figure 9: Conflicting LCM are clustered by triangulation to observe 'conflicting area' emer-
The located constraints are provided with a geometry ( Figure 9 ) that
allows the spatial clustering necessary for the emergence mechanism. The
geometry also allows to quantify the LCMs inside a geographic space so as
to evaluate globally the space generalisation from the distribution of indi-
vidual evaluation. Progress means less unsatisfied LCMs in the distribu-
tion while good generalisation means few very unsatisfied LCMs and lots
of very satisfied LCMs.
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