Geoscience Reference
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CROOaGeQ prRpRses a wRrNfORw fRr CG tR chaiQ the cRPpRQeQts actiRQs ( Figure 4 )
Figure 4: Simplified view of the sequence of CollaGen generalisation (emergence mecha-
nism is not included). Each box is the action of one component.
As a siPpOified exaPpOe Oet us iPagiQe aQ area that is firstOy partitiRQed (iQtR
twR ruraO spaces aQ urbaQ space aQd the rRad QetwRrN) aQd three prRcesses
(AGE1T CartACRP aQd BeaPs) TheQ the urbaQ space is chRseQ aQd the regis
try chRRses AGE1T The prRcess is paraPeterised accRrdiQg tR the cRQstraiQts
aQd geQeraOised GeQeraOisatiRQ is evaOuated as gRRd aQd there is QR side effect
TheQ the Qext chRseQ space type is ruraO aQd the twR iQstaQces are Rrdered Cart
ACRP is chRseQ aQd geQeraOises the twR iQstaQces cRrrectOy withRut side effects
FiQaOOy the BeaPs geQeraOise the rePaiQiQg space (rRad QetwRrN) but geQerates
side effects by RverOappiQg buiOdiQgs TheQ the side effects are cRrrected by a
specific prRcess (/east Squares here) aQd the CROOaGeQ wRrNfORw is fiQished AQ
iPpOePeQted versiRQ Rf this exaPpOe is iOOustrated in Figure 14
Partitioning Component
The partitioning component is responsible for the creation of the geo-
graphic spaces as additional data (Touya 2010). Thus, the component has
to be fed with spatial analysis algorithms able to outline the required
spaces. For instance, algorithms to identify urban, suburban, rural, costal,
mountain areas were implemented, among others.
Translator Component
The translator component provides three kinds of services to translate in-
puts and outputs of the processes in the language used to convey interop-
erability: the formal constraints and the ontology (Touya et al. 2010). First,
the translator allows process interoperability making the constraints the
only input and output of every process ( Figure 5 ). A translating function is
provided for every process and transforms the constraints and operation
rules into the specific parameters of the process (e.g. numeric thresholds
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