Geoscience Reference
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/iQe ageQt
DistaQce betweeQ twR segPeQts Rf a OiQe shRuOd QRt be Oess thaQ ￿ 1
The distaQce betweeQ twR OiQes shRuOd QRt be Oess thaQ ￿ 1
The area Rf a cORsed isRbath shRuOd QRt be Oess thaQ ￿ 2
The distaQce betweeQ twR features shRuOd QRt be Oess thaQ ￿ 1
Feature ageQt
The area Rf a feature shRuOd QRt be Oess thaQ ￿ 2
Table 3: Legibility constraints, ε is the given tolerance.
The shape preservation constraint maintains the shape of the objects in
order to preserve the terrain morphology. For line agent, this constraint
preserves its shape and tends to reduce displacements. For feature agent,
this constraint evaluates the elevation and distance between the isobaths in
order to preserve the shape of the feature.
AgeQt Describe
/iQe 0aiQtaiQ the shape Rf OiQe
Feature 0aiQtaiQ the sORpe Rf feature
Feature 0aiQtaiQ area Rf feature
Table 4: Shape preservation constraint
Structural constraints preserve topological relationships between lines and
features and the data structure consistency by imposing constraints on
actions. The detail of this constraint is shown as Table 5 .
StructuraO cRQstraiQt
/iQe aggregatiRQ
At Oeast RQe isRbath Pust be cORsed
BRth shRuOd have the saPe eOevatiRQ
/iQe segPeQt deOetiRQ
IsRbaths caQQRt be the iQQerPRst Rr RuterPRst cRQtRur
Feature deOetiRQ
AOO desceQdaQt features iQ the feature tree caQ aOsR be deOeted
Table 5: Structural constraint.
4.2.4. Evaluation method of agent actions
One important characteristic of MAS is that the agent can propose several
plans and choose the best one automatically in this system. This means the
agent has a method to evaluate its situation. This part will introduce the
evaluation method of agent.
In our project, there are four types of constraints and some can be contra-
dictory. The shape constraint opposes the legibility constraint as one tends
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