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B and L4 also belongs to peak C. When it performs generalization, peak
A will ask peak B to generalize which will ask L3 to generalize. During
generalization, the macro agent will pass both generalization actions and
feature information to micro agent in order to let micro agent choose
acceptable actions.
Figure 7: Description of feature agents
4.2.2. Actions for agents
In order to satisfy the constraints, the generalization operations are pro-
vided as actions for agent. A set of operations for both features and lines is
presented in Table 1 . Constraints and characteristics at macro-level are
passed to micro-level in order to decide the appropriate action. For example,
if a feature characterizing a peak needs to be generalized, it will trigger
some actions at its level and coordinate the generalization of lines inside
the feature at the micro level. For that purpose, lines will also get con-
straints such as the type of feature from the macro-agent.
Actions that can be performed by feature agents are selective omission,
enlargement, reduction, and aggregation. Micro-agent can perform
enlargement, smoothing, reduction, aggregation, selective omission and
segment deletion.
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