Geoscience Reference
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Karam R, Favetta F, Kilany R, Laurini R (2010) Integration of Similar Location Based Services
Proposed by Several Providers. 2nd International Conference NDT 2010: Network and Digi-
tal Technologies, Springer Ed., pp. 136-144, Prague
Karam R, Favetta F, Kilany R, Laurini R (2010) Cartographic Integration on mobile devices
from several providers' LBS by means of map symbol ontology. In the proceedings of the 1st
International workshop WebMGS, Como, Italy
Karam R, Favetta F, Kilany R, Laurini R (2010) Uncertain GeoInformation Representation and
Reasoning: a Use Case in LBS Integration. 5th International Workshop FlexDBIST, DEXA
2010, IEEExplore Ed., pp.313-317, Bilbao, Spain
Karam R, Favetta F, Kilany R, Laurini R (2010) Integrating many Legends through ontology for
cartographic symbols. In the proceedings of the 6th International Conference SAGEO2010,
Toulouse, France
Laurini R, Ordillo S, Mostaccio C, Raffort F, Servigne S (2008) Towards multi-provider LBS
visual portals. The 14th International Conf. on Distributed Multimedia Systems, USA, pp.
Medellin R, Serna G, Vargas R, Ruiz L (2009) Technology Integration around the Geographic
Information: A State of the Art ", IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues,
Vol. 5, pp. 17-26
Muller M (2006) Symbology Encoding Implementation Specification. OpenGIS Implementation
Tenet Technology (2008) Some Unresolved Issues with the OGC Symbology Encoding (SE).
submitted to OGC.
Zhou N (2003) A study on automatic ontology mapping of categorical information", Proceedings
of the 2003 annual national conference on Digital government research, pp.1-4
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