Geoscience Reference
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graphical constructs that describes this highly complex topic. Within our
methodology, we abstract data and vocabularies utilized by potential target
groups and derive discrete acoustic parameters to standardize the
description of the sonic environment. Subsequently, we visually encode
the parameters by systematically assigning graphic variables. Hence, we
obtain an exemplary set of encoding guidelines that is assembled into an
application-independent, multifunctional, and extensible design guide. In
the end, we apply our encoding and generate sample maps within two case
4- Abstraction
Abstractions help to derive generic descriptions of sound and simplify the
complex structure and dynamic behavior of it. We consider a cross-
disciplinary selection of acoustic information that is measured, computed,
or described and throughout used in science and practice. They are based
on formally structured requirements elicitation with experts, specifications
by legislature, and field studies (Kornfeld 2008). Each parameter describes
a particular aspect of an acoustic situation. Although they rely on a specific
background, the compilation and combination of them prepare for an
integrated view on the relevance of environmental sound. The list is
intended to be continued:
Geometric shape of sound : The natural shape of sound is a wave
traveling through air. Due to large scales, this is abstracted to a simple
geometric shape of sound.
Sound source : The END defines major sound sources primarily
responsible for high noise levels (EU 2002). Descriptions in soundscape
research also relate to properties of particular sources (Schafer 1977).
Setting up categories and subcategories depends on the certain use case.
Dominant soundmark : Sound sources that silhouette against the audible
environment are expressed as soundmarks. Dominant soundmarks
completely mask other sounds (Schafer 1977).
Sound energy : Geometric sound propagation calculates emitted sound
energy of a source. It serves as a useful linear measure to detect sound
intensity which summates all immitted sound energy at a particular
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