Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 3: Percentage of people aware of or familiar with Web 2.0 by age group .
A primary goal of the survey was finding out if people were likely to par-
ticipate in projects PV or WPNP would hypothetically organise. Three of
the 17 survey questions that asked this directly are focused on here. The
first of these questions asked if people would be happy to share their
photos or videos from their visit through a Web based photo or video-sharing
site. 51 out of 77 respondents (six did not answer the question) would do
so in principle, 18 respondents said no , whereas eight needed more infor-
mation first. The 18 respondents who would not contribute were semi-
evenly spread over the four age categories, ranging between 17% (46-60)
and 26% (31-45).
A second question asked if people thought they would use WPNP social
media tools like a blog, feedback forum, Twitter etc. 34 out of 80 respon-
dents said that they would, but only ten of these 34 said they would
actively participate themselves whereas the remaining 24 would only read
or look at other people's contributions. 28 out of 80 said no and 18 had to
think about it. 50% of the age group 61 and over would not participate,
while none of the youngest age group said they would not participate (two
said maybe) - 33% of 31-45 and 36% of 46-60 year olds would not do so.
However, when further asked how often they thought they would partici-
pate, only seven would do so semi regularly - at least once a week or a few
times a month. The majority would only use the tools around a trip to
WPNP, a couple of times a year or only a few times and then no more.
Although this does not inspire optimism, at least visitors would participate
when going to the park. This could be the time when they possess poten-
tially valuable information such as animals or flora they may have spotted
or feedback on the condition of walking tracks or other visitor experiences.
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