Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 5: The map series delivered by the MenoMaps service
We grouped the results from the evaluation of the mobile map application
into the following principal topics:
User interface
The 'Hardware' group contains all of the technical issues, such as the
downloading of the maps, problems with the Internet connection and
issues with the iPhone itself.
'Contents' includes various observations pertaining to visualising the
contents, such as the trail markers, text and icons and how they should not
be overlapping, as well as observations on the usefulness of the contents.
The users argued that the usefulness of different background maps and
additional features such as the sound landscapes on the mobile map, needs
to be clarified. The sound landscapes as well as photos or videos should be
relevant and provide further information about the location. Users wished
there would be up-to-date information about things like cafés, fireplaces
and bus timetables. Current information on the condition of the trails (such
as flooding on the pathway) would also be valuable.
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