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different emotions were examined the focus in the rest of this paper is on
In a second experiment participants were shown each map for three minutes,
with a three minute break to erase the emotions from the previous map.
Participants were asked if they liked the map; and to describe and explain
their emotional response. Questions were open to remove any bias intro-
duced by Plutchik's emotions in the survey. Participants were not shown
the map's title or key because the online survey indicated that people
found it difficult to separate their emotional response to the colour from
their emotional response to the subject matter. This experiment was carried
out five times, with groups of three participants, with the maps shown in
different orders. All participants were students without colour deficiency.
3.3 Study 3: Co-operative Evaluation for the comparative
assessment of trustee attributes
Although study 1 provided a rich insight into which of the elements under
examination, influence non-experts' trust perceptions, non-experts may
still have very different perceptions about each attribute's representation.
Thus, the third study aimed to provide the users with three different Web
GIS applications (London Profiler -LP; London Air Quality Network -
LAQN and England Noise Mapping - ENM) in order to comparatively
assess each trust component and understand which one they prefer in terms
of trust, since each application provides different visualisations for each
trustee attribute. For example, LP's map fills the screen, ENM's map is
589x388 pixels and LAQN's map is 362x276 pixels. No restrictions of
participation were established other than participants should be non-
experts and London residents to ensure the same understanding of the geo-
graphic area provided.
Since the aim was not to identify usability problems, but to understand the
users' opinion about each trustee attribute it was necessary to ensure that
the observer interacts with the users and turns the users' attention to the
specific trust components. Thus the method of Co-operative Evaluation
(CE) was used and ten non-experts were recruited.
All websites studied provide a Web GIS component and incorporate risk
and uncertainty as the users can make decisions based on the information
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