Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information Graphic Representation
Representation of altitude gradient
Concerning altitude gradient, the relevant information for cycling users is
the slope (cf. figure 1 - “altitude gradient” line). Our suggestion is a sym-
bolisation of the slope by means of the filling colour on the linear objects
representing cycling paths. Bright colours are used in order to highlight
cycling paths and to ensure a strong contrast with the topographic back-
ground. Four slope levels have been fixed:
descending sections, i.e. sections with an important negative slope
flat sections, i.e. sections with a small slope, negative or positive
ascending sections, i.e. sections with a steep slope
hard ascending sections, i.e. sections with a very steep slope
A colour has been allocated to each level in order to translate the difficulty
of such a slope range. Figure 7 shows the legend slope symbolisation
Figure 7: Legend slope symbolisation.
Road accessibility for cycling activity
Road cyclists need asphalt ways which are adapted to their use and
particularly to their vehicle: paths, footpaths, lanes, tracks are not recom-
mended for them. Moreover, it is forbidden to cycle on highways. Conse-
quently, we propose visually associating all the roads which are not accessible
for road cyclists. In order to convey the discontinuity of the road network,
dotted symbolisation has been used to symbolise all these unsuitable roads
(cf. figure 8 ).
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