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to obtain particle sizes easily trapped by traditional filtration methods or to induce spontaneous precipitation. But then, they
may be incorporated into activated sludge, creating another type of problem—affecting microorganisms present there. Their
size may also increase due to interactions with organic matter dispersed in solution (humic and fulvic acids, carbonaceous
materials, among others). Core-shell nanoparticles involving a ferromagnetic layer is another attractive option as the latter may
be used to remove nanoparticles by simply applying a strong external magnetic field. functionalization of their surfaces to
maintain their solubility, increase their stability against aggregation, decrease their chemical reactivity at a wide range of pH
values, or avoid interactions with chemical substances present at solution is also key for their eventual consideration in wastewater
treatment procedures. Biological interactions with other organisms (not only microbes, but also other phyla such as invertebrates,
vertebrates, and plants) may prove to be another challenge, as the nanoparticles may biodegrade, suffering biologically induced
chemical and physical transformations, which affects their stability and chemical reactivity, or even changes their biological
activity from nontoxic to highly toxic or vice versa.
All these problems make the field more attractive for further research in order to overcome the difficulties and better exploit
the unique properties of nanomaterials for wastewater treatment.
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