Environmental Engineering Reference
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Research on AOPs for the treatment of textile and dye wastewater was attempted by Kalra et al. [23]. Their paper reviews
different AOPs like ozonation, hydrogen peroxide, UV radiation, and their combination for comparison of treatment efficiencies
for remediation of textile wastewater. This paper reveals that the treatment efficiencies depend on the characteristics of waste-
water to be treated.
The use of AOP in an ozone+ hydrogen peroxide system for the removal of cyanide from water was dealt with by Kepa et al.
[24]. The results of laboratory tests are presented in this paper, which indicate that AOPs can be used for the removal of cyanide
from water. A comparative analysis was carried out for the processes of ozonation, oxidation with hydrogen peroxide, and
advanced oxidation in the O 3 +H 2 O 2 system.
zhou et al. [25] wrote a review paper on advanced technologies in water and wastewater treatment. They dealt with three
emerging treatment technologies including membrane filtration, AOPs, and UV irradiation that hold great promise to provide
alternatives for greater protection of human health and environment.
Kdasi et al. [26] provided a clear picture of the treatment of textile wastewater by AOPs in a review. An overview of basic
treatment efficiency for different AOPs is considered and presented based on specific features. The review covers a lucid intro-
duction, textile wastewater characteristics, a description of AOPs, application areas of a UV lamp, ozone, O 3 /UV, H 2 O 2 , O 3 /H 2 O 2
(peroxane), O 3 /H 2 O 2 /UV, and a broad conclusion.
Palit et al. [27] touched upon membrane separation processes and AOPs for dyes in a bubble column reactor in a keen and
far-reaching overview. Topics covered included the dependence of rate constant, order of reaction, and subsequently rate of
reaction on the pH and oxidation-reduction potential associated with the ozonation of dye.
Gogate et al. [28] dealt with imperative technologies for wastewater treatment with emphasis on oxidation technologies at
ambient conditions in a review. This work highlights the basis of the different oxidation processes including the operation param-
eters for the reactor design with a complete overview of the various applications for wastewater treatment in the recent years.
Chiron et al. [29] explained in a review the state of the art of pesticide chemical oxidation. This review reveals a general lack
of data on kinetics of formation and disappearance of the major by-products. The efficiency of AOPs has scarcely been inves-
tigated at the industrial scale, that is, in presence of a mixture of active ingredients together with their formulating agents and
at concentration levels above 10 mg/l.
Kos et al. [30] dealt with the subject of decoloration of real textile wastewater with AOPs. The efficiency rates of AOPs for the
decoloration of different types of textile wastewater from textile plants in lodz, Poland, were compared on the basis of the results
obtained. AOPs with the use of ozone, gamma radiation, hydrogen peroxide, and UV radiation gave good decoloration results.
Suty et al. [31] described the applications of AOPs with emphasis on the present and future aspects. The use of AOPs to
remove pollutants in various water treatment applications has been the subject of study for around 30 years. most of the avail-
able AOPs have been investigated in depth, and a considerable body of knowledge has been built up about the reactivity of many
pollutants. nevertheless, it is difficult to obtain an accurate picture of the use of AOPs, and their applications for a range of
water treatment processes have not been determined to date. The purpose of this overview is to discuss these processes and
provide an indication of future trends and prospects.
Abdelmalek et al. [32] dealt in the area of removal of pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs) from RO retentate
using AOPs. Studies focusing on pharmaceutical and PPCPs have raised questions concerning their concentrations in the RO
retentate. AOPs are alternatives for destroying these compounds in retentate that contains high concentration of effluent organic
matter (EfOm) and other inorganic constituents.
Huber et al. [33] dealt with oxidation of pharmaceuticals during ozonation and AOP applications in drinking water treatment.
It was shown that the second-order rate constants determined in pure aqueous solutions could be applied to predict the behavior
of pharmaceuticals dissolved in natural water. Overall, it can be concluded that ozonation and AOPs are promising processes
for efficient removal of pharmaceuticals in drinking water.
Huber et al. [34] explained decolorization of process waters in deinking mills and similar applications in a review.
Process waters in deinking mills often feature a strong coloration, due to dyes and pigments released from the recovered
paper. This can usually be remediated by pulp bleaching treatment with appropriate chemicals. In this review, the available
technologies for process water decolorization are discussed (chemical methods, physicochemical methods, and biological
mAn's scientific mind tOWArd nOvel envirOnmentAl engineering PrOcedures
man's scientific vision is targeted toward improving the lot of the suffering millions and toward tackling drinking water issues.
The hidden scientific truth and scientific vision is targeted in every step towards progress of purposeful and definitive research
pursuit. The aim of this chapter is to delineate the intricacies of wastewater treatment and bring before the scientific community
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