Environmental Engineering Reference
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rejected by 75% and  the sulfates were rejected by 95%. The permeate did not contain oil. Orecki and Tomaszewska [14]
established a theory of the effectiveness of integrated ultrafiltration—nanofiltration process. Hilal et al. [15] dealt with nano-
filtration of highly concentrated salt solutions approaching seawater salinity. nanofiltration membranes have been employed
in pretreatment unit operations in both thermal and membrane seawater desalination processes. This has resulted in reduction
of chemicals used in pretreatment processes as well as lowering the energy consumption and water production cost and there-
fore has led to a more environmentally friendly process. In order to predict nanofiltration membrane performance, a systematic
study on the filtration performance of selected commercial nanofiltration membranes against brackish water and seawater is
required. In this study, three commercial nanofiltration membranes (nf90, nf270, nf30) have been used to treat highly con-
centrated (naCl) salt solutions up to 25,000 ppm, a salinity level similar to that of seawater.
A phenomenal review on cotton textile processing, its waste generation, and effluent treatment was undertaken by Babu et al.
[16]. This review discusses cotton textile processing and methods of treating effluents in the textile industry. This area of
research combines a discussion of waste production from textile processes, such as desizing, mercerizing, bleaching, dyeing,
finishing, and printing with a discussion of advanced methods of effluent treatment, such as electrooxidation, biotreatment, and
photochemical and membrane processes.
ning [17] undertook research work on arsenic removal by RO. A short review on the RO process and applications was dealt
with by Garud et al. [18]. The short review discusses the applicability of an RO system for treating effluents from the beverage
industry, distillery spent wash, groundwater treatment, the recovery of phenol compounds and the reclamation of wastewater,
and seawater RO (SWRO) treatment indicating the efficiency and applicability of RO technology.
furtHer reseArcH endeAvOr in tHe field Of nAnOfiltrAtiOn
nanofiltration presents vast and challenging opportunities for knowledge advancement in the field of desalination technology.
The world of environmental engineering will usher in a new era in the field of membrane science with immense challenges and
vision. Our endeavor encompasses research on AOPs and the application of a bubble column reactor. The challenges that lie
ahead are significant and far-reaching. Desalination technology and nanofiltration have a close umbilical relationship. These
two branches of engineering will definitely solve the intricate problems of water technology. man's scientific vision will be
enhanced and emphasized if the hurdles are overcome and frontiers scaled. The world of environmental engineering and nano-
filtration will surely be a challenge to the drinking water problems of the suffering millions.
13.5 reseArcH tHrust AreAs in tHe field Of AOPs And tHe visiOn tOWArd
effective OzOnAtiOn PrOcedures
Palit et al. [19] dealt with membrane separation processes and RO in a detailed review. The application area and thrust was on
wastewater treatment. The author has widely described the scope of RO and its potential applications.
Stasinakis [20] in an insightful review dealt with immense depth on the use of selected advanced oxidation processes for
wastewater treatment. The purpose and the aim of the study was to review the use of titanium dioxide/UV light process,
hydrogen peroxide/UV light process and fenton's reactions in wastewater treatment. The main reactions and the operating
parameters (initial concentration of the target compounds, amount of oxidation agents and catalysts, nature of the wastewater
etc) affecting these processes are reported, while several recent applications to wastewater treatment are presented.
Koch et al. [21] dealt with immense details on ozonation of hydrolyzed azo dye reactive yellow 84(CI). According to
scientific innovation and immense scientific understanding, the combination of chemical and biological water treatment
processes is a promising technique to reduce recalcitrant wastewater loads. Ozonation has been applied to many fields in water and
wastewater treatment. Especially for textile mill effluents ozonation can achieve high color removal, enhance biodegradability,
destroy phenols and reduce chemical oxygen demand (COD). This work unfolds the reaction intermediates and products
formed during ozonation. The work mainly deals with the degradation of hydrolyzed Reactive Yellow 84 (Color Index), a
widely used azo dye in textile finishing processes with two monochlorotriazine anchor groups. The authors have investigated
the formation of intermediate products and the reaction kinetics of the entire procedure of ozonation. A general review on AOPs
for wastewater treatment was done by Sharma et al. [22]. Efficient AOPs developed to decolorize and/or degrade organic pollutants
for environmental protection were covered. The fundamentals and main applications of typical methods such as fenton, electro-
fenton, photo-fenton, ozonation, and UV radiation were discussed. Various combinations of these processes and their industrial
applications are the visionary aspects of this study.
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