Environmental Engineering Reference
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Baklanov, A., 2008: Urban meteorological preprocessor for ARGOS. DMI Scientific Report
08-04. ISBN: 978-87-7478-569-9, ISSN: 1399-1949, 38 p.
Baklanov, A., A. Rasmussen, B. Fay, E. Berge, and S. Finardi, 2002: Potential and shortcomings of
numerical weather prediction models in providing meteorological data for urban air pollution
forecasting. Water, Air and Soil Poll.: Focus , 2, 43-60.
Baklanov, A., P.G. Mestayer, A. Clappier, S. Zilitinkevich, S. Joffre, A. Mahura, and N.W. Nielsen,
2008: Towards improving the simulation of meteorological fields in urban areas through
updated/advanced surface fluxes description. Atmos. Chem. Phys ., 8, 523-543.
Baklanov, A., S. Joffre, and S. Galmarini (Eds.), 2005: Urban Meteorology and Atmospheric Pol-
lution (EMS-FUMAPEX). Special Issue of Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics Journal, 24,
Dupont, S. and P.G. Mestayer, 2004: Evaluation of the urban soil model SM2-U on the city center
of Marseille (France), Fifth Symposium on the Urban Environment , Vancouver, BC, Canada,
AMS Proceeding CD (9.14).
Dupont, S., T.L. Otte, and S. Ching, 2004: Simulation of Meteorological Fields within and above
Urban and Rural Canopies with a Mesoscale Model (MM5), Boundary-Layer Meteorol . 113,
FUMAPEX, 2005: EU project FUMAPEX: Integrated Systems for Forecasting Urban Meteorol-
ogy, Air Pollution and Population Exposure . Final project and WP4 Reports, available from
web-site: http://fumapex.dmi.dk
Hamdi, R., 2005: On the study of the atmospheric boundary layer over urban areas with the urban-
ized version of TVM. Université catolique de Louvain, Belgium. PhD dissertation.
Martilli, A., A. Clappier, and M.W. Rotach, 2002: An urban surface exchange parameterisation for
mesoscale models. Boundary-Layer Meteorol ., 104, 261-304.
Masson, V., 2000: A physically-based scheme for the urban energy budget in atmospheric models,
Boundary-Layer Meteorol. , 98, 357-397.
Zilitinkevich, S., A. Baklanov, 2004: An analytical model of the mean-wind and the momen-
tum flux profiles in the urban roughness layer. Ch. 3 in DMI Scientific Report #04-08, ISBN:
87-7478-510-9, pp. 42-46.
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