Environmental Engineering Reference
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K M 0 u 1
z 0 u
In turn, K M 0 can be estimated by matching the roughness layer with the surface
layer. In neutral stratification, (7.1a) provides an estimate for K M 0
u h 0 , and (7.4)
reduces to the classical formula:
z 0 u
h 0 .
In stable stratification (SS), the familiar formulation for K M in the surface layer is
K M =
L ) 1 , where C u
3 is an empirical dimensionless constant
(Zilitinkevich and Esau, 2007). It corresponds to the log-linear velocity profile (used
below in data analysis) and gives K M
z (1
C u z
L at z>L . Hence, when h 0 exceeds L ,
the roughness-layer eddy viscosity scale becomes K M 0
u L , so that (7.4) gives
z 0 u
L .
To cover neutral and stable regimes, we interpolate between (7.5) and (7.6) taking
the sum of reciprocals: z 1
0 u
( C L ) 1 , where C and C are dimension-
less coefficients (to give priority to the smaller limit: h 0 or L ). Then, designating the
roughness length in neutral stratification as z 0 u (
( C h 0 ) 1
C h 0 ), the interpolation formula
z 0 u
z 0 =
L ,
C SS h 0 /
C is an empirical dimensionless coefficient.
In unstable stratification (US), K M
C /
where C SS =
F 1 / 3
C 1
z 4 / 3 , where C U
(Kader and Yaglom, 1990; Zilitinkevich, 2006). In strongly unstable stratification
ku z
F 1 / 3
b z 4 / 3 (which corresponds to the z 1 / 3 velocity
profile used below in data analysis). Then the roughness-layer eddy viscosity scale
becomes K M 0
L this reduces to K M
F 1 / 3
h 4 / 3
, and (7.4) gives
L ) 1 / 3 ,
z 0 u
h 0 /
h 0 (
so that z 0 u increases with increasing instability (as predicted in Coelho and Hunt,
1989; Zilitinkevich et al., 2006a,b).
A reasonable interpolation formula linking the neutral and the strongly unstable
regimes is just the sum of the right hand sides of (7.5) and (7.8):
C US h 0
1 / 3
z 0 u
z 0 =
where C US is one more empirical dimensionless coefficient.
The suggested theory is evaluated with data measured over very rough surfaces
including vegetation and urban canopy (Table 7.1). For the stable stratification data
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