Environmental Engineering Reference
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Graph 20.3.1 Primary energy consumption in 2009, depending on energy generation source (National
Statistics Institute).
form of the Plan de Acción Nacional de Energías Renovables [National Action Plan of
Renewable Energies]. The measures in this plan were also transposed into the following
set of national laws and codes:
Royal Decree 314/2006 of 17 March , which enacts the Technical Building Code;
Royal Decree 47/2007 of 19 January , which specifies the basic procedure for the
energy performance certification of new buildings;
Royal Decree 1027/2007 of 20 July , which regulates heating installations in
20.3.1 National action plan for renewable energies
Article 4 of the Directive 2009/28/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council
of 23 April 2009 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources requires
each EU member state to adopt a national action plan that defines targets concerning
the renewable energy shares consumed in transportation, electricity, as well as heating
and cooling. Following these guidelines, the Spanish government elaborated a docu-
ment titled Plan de Acción Nacional de Energías Renovables 2011-2020 (PANER)
[National Action Plan of Renewable Energies 2011-2020],which was supplemented
by the Plan de Energías Renovables 2011-2020 (PER) [Plan of Renewable Energies
2011-2020] (2010).
The general objective of these plans is to exceed the 20% target in 2020 for renew-
able energies in the EU directive. This would mean an energy share of 18.9% for
heating and cooling, 40% for electricity and 13.6% for transportation. The estimated
evolution of renewable energy consumption is reflected in Graph 20.3.2.
require the use of minimum levels of energy from renewable sources in new buildings and
in existing buildings that are subject to major renovation. Member States shall permit those
minimum levels to be fulfilled, inter alia , through district heating and cooling produced using a
significant proportion of renewable energy sources.''
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