Environmental Engineering Reference
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Figure 14.6.1 LCOE variation with storage size for three different solar plant location designed for
SM = 2 (a) and different SM and storage size in Seville site (b).
solar radiation. Seville is the less attractive site because of its lower solar radiation.
Finally, Darwin falls in between the other two sites (LCOE equals 155
/MWh). It
requires a smaller storage (5 h eq compared to 7.7 h eq for Seville and 8 h eq for Las Vegas)
because of its lower latitude and a more homogeneous solar distribution through the
year. A second study was carried out for three different solar multiple sites (1.5, 2, 2.5)
in Seville - see the right side of Figure 14.6.1. LCOE curves have a minimum for all
three sizes. The optimal heat storage capacity is a compromise between higher plant
cost and lower defocusing. As expected, Andasol I storage size (7.7 equivalent hours)
proved to be the best of the considered SM.
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