Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
D ref - Reference diffusion coefficient, m 2
s 1
10 19 C
e - Elementary charge, 1.60217646
E A - Acceptor energy, V
E Bias - External bias potential, V
E C - Conduction band potential, V
E D - Donor energy, V
p E d - Hole-induced corrosion value, V
nE d - Electron-induced corrosion value, V
E fb - Flat band potential, V
E g - Semiconductor bandgap, V
E F - Fermi level of the semiconductor, V
E H 2 O / H 2 - Water reduction potential in alkaline electrolyte, V
E O 2 / OH - Water oxidation potential in alkaline electrolyte, V
E H + / H 2 - Water redution potential in acid electrolyte, V
E H 2 O / O 2 - Water oxidation potential in acid electrolyte, V
E Redox - Redox potential, V
E VB - Valence band potential, V
F - Faraday constant, 9.6485339
10 4 C
mol 1
G i - Generation rate of species i ,m 3
s 1
10 34 J
h - Planck constant, 6.6260693(11)
I - Current, A
I 0
- Incident photon flux corrected for reflection losses, m 2
s 1
I 0 - Amplitude of the current signal, A
I OC - Open-circuit current, A
I ( t ) - Current response, A
j i - Current density of species i ,s 1 m 2
J cell - Net current density, A m 2
J 0 - Exchange current density at Pt electrode, A
m 2
k - Boltzman constant, 1.3806503
10 23 J
K 1
k e - Back reaction rate constant, s 1
L - Thickness of the semiconductor, m
m e - Effective electron mass, kg
n - Electron density, m 3
n 0 - Electron bulk concentration, m 3
n Z - Empirical constante
n e - Moles of electrons, mol
n eq - Dark equilibrium electron density, m 3
n i - Density of species i ,m 3
n i - Density of species i in the electrolyte bulk, m 3
n int - Intrinsic carrier concentration, m 3
n ref - Reference particle density, m 3
Q SC - Space charge below the semiconductor surface, A s cm 2
N A - Occupied acceptor density, m 3
N A - Density of ionized acceptors, m 3
N C - Effective density of states in the conduction band, m 3
N D - Occupied donor density, m 3
N D - Density of ionized donors, m 3
N V - Effective density of states in the valence band, m 3
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