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2010 ). This is despite the absence in this organism of the enzymes for haem
biosynthesis, raising interesting questions about haem acquisition. The
recombinant FHb, however, was purified from E. coli extracts with haem
and FAD, as expected for FHbs from numerous other species. In vitro , the
FHb was capable of metabolizing NO efficiently in the presence of oxygen,
as well as exogenous FAD to compensate for the cofactor lost on purification
( Mastronicola et al., 2010 ). The occupancy of haem in the purified protein
was not reported. Although it might be argued that the globin acquired
haem from the host E. coli and that the protein must be inactive in Giardia ,
given the absence of haem, the authors also showed that, under anaerobic
conditions, nitrite induces a NO-consuming activity that was sensitive to
cyanide and CO, implicating the participation of a haem protein
( Mastronicola et al., 2010 ) in NO metabolism. Interestingly, NO produc-
tion and NOS activity by this parasite has been reported and the presence
of an NOS-like sequence in the G. lamblia genome has been identified
( Harris et al., 2006 ).
One of the earliest reports of a globin in any microbe was that of a
haemoglobin- or myoglobin-like protein in the ciliated protozoan Parame-
cium caudatum , initially by Sato and Tamiya. This was confirmed by Keilin
and Ryley (1953) , who also showed that another ciliate Tetrahymena
pyriformis possessed a similar protein, judging by whole cell spectroscopy.
The T. pyriformis and T. thermophila proteins have been isolated and charac-
terized ( Korenaga, Igarashi, Matsuoka, & Shikama, 2000 ). Recently, O 2
association and dissociation rates and autoxidation rate constants were
determined for the T. pyriformis protein ( Igarashi, Kobayashi, &
Matsuoka, 2011 ) and shown to be similar to those reported for the
M. tuberculosis HbN, a bacterial globin implicated in NO tolerance. A Fe
(III)-H 2 O complex was formed following the reaction of NO with the
Fe(II)-O 2 complex in the crystal state. Although this was interpreted by
the authors as indicating a function for this globin in NO detoxification,
we are unaware of any studies that clearly show this in vivo or that measure
protein turnover in the presence of NO. In contrast, the O 2 kinetics of
the P. caudatum protein ( Irie & Usuki, 1980; Iwaasa et al., 1989; Smith,
George, & Preer, 1962; Steers, Barnett, & Lee, 1981; Usuki, Hino, &
Ochiai, 1989 ), with which the Tetrahymena protein shares high amino
acid identity ( Yamauchi, Mukai, Ochiai, & Usuki, 1992; Yamauchi,
Ochiai, & Usuki, 1992; Yamauchi, Tada, Ochiai, & Usuki, 1993;
Yamauchi et al., 1995 ), are similar to those of sperm whale myoglobin
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