Biology Reference
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Figure 8.3 (A) Temperature dependence of the doubling time of Antarctic bacterium
PhTAC125, grown in marine broth (solid line and circles), compared to a typical growth
curve of E. coli RR1 strain, obtained in LB broth (dashed line). (B) Growth curves of
PhTAC125, performed at 4 C (open circles), 18 C (filled circles) and 26 C
(filled squares). Adapted from Piette et al. (2011) .
environment before they dissipate ( Stocker, Seymour, Samadani, Hunt, &
Polz, 2008 ). Ph TAC125 grows with extremely high growth rates in defined
sea water medium, with peptone as the only carbon and nitrogen source,
suggesting that these growth conditions resemble the favoured natural envi-
ronment of the marine bacterium, which can be easily isolated from dam-
aged tissues of fishes or molluscs, where such substrates are available ( Wilmes
et al., 2011 ). Ph TAC125 lacks a cyclic AMP (cAMP)-catabolite activator
protein complex, that regulates carbon availability in related organisms,
and a phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent phosphotransferase system (PTS)
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