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Voordouw, 1992 ). DcrA from D. vulgaris consists of an N-terminal trans-
membrane helix, periplasmic PAS, another transmembrane helix, HAMP,
cytoplasmic PAS, and MCP domains ( Deckers & Voordouw, 1994a,
1994b ). Though its physiological effector signal is not obvious at present,
it is supposed to act as a chemotaxis signal transducer protein sensing oxygen
concentration and/or redox potential ( Fu & Voordouw, 1997; Fu, Wall, &
Voordouw, 1994; Yoshioka et al., 2005 ).
Though the sequence identity of the periplasmic domain of DcrA
(DcrA-N) from D. vulgaris with the PAS domains in GSU0935 and
GSU0582 is low, the c-type haem-binding motif (Cys-x-x-Cys-His) is con-
served among them ( Fig. 7.13 ). DcrA contains a c-type haem covalently
bound to Cys in this motif with a thioether bond ( Fu et al., 1994;
Yoshioka et al., 2005 ). In the resonance Raman spectra, DcrA-N shows
the d (C b C a C b ) and n (C a -S) bands that are characteristic bands for c-type
haems containing covalent thioether bonds ( Desbois, 1994; Hu, Morris,
Singh, Smith, & Spiro, 1993; Yoshioka et al., 2005 ).
The ferric haem in DcrA-N is a mixture of a 6-coordinate, low-spin and
6-coordinate, high-spin states, which is revealed by resonance Raman spec-
trum showing two n 2 (1568 and 1580 cm 1 ) and n 3 (1481 and 1509 cm 1 )
bands ( Yoshioka et al., 2005 ). Ferric DcrA-N shows a similar UV-vis spec-
trum to that of M80A variant of cytochrome c with the Soret band at
400 nm ( Brem & Gray, 1993 ). Ferrous DcrA-N shows the n 2 and n 3 bands
at 1593 and 1495 cm 1 , respectively, indicating that the ferrous haem in
DcrA-N is a 6-coordinate, low-spin state ( Yoshioka et al., 2005 ). Reso-
nance Raman and UV-vis spectra of DcrA-N reveal the coordination struc-
tures of the haem as shown in Fig. 7.12 B. The His in the Cys-x-x-Cys-His
motif is the proximal ligand of the haem in DcrA. Given that DcrA is a redox
sensor, the ligand exchange between H 2 O (or OH ) and Met upon the
change in the oxidation state of the haem will play an important role for
intramolecular signal transductions because the coordination/dissociation
of the sixth ligand may cause conformational changes in the distal haem
pocket. Though the sixth axial ligand in the ferrous haem in DcrA-N is
not identified, Met61 will be a candidate of the axial ligand of the ferrous
haem as are the cases of GSU0935 and GSU0582 because Met 61 is con-
served at the corresponding positions of Met60 in GSU0935 and
GSU0582 ( Fig. 7.13 ).
While a stable O 2 -bound form is not produced because an autoxidation
takes place upon the reaction of ferrous DcrA with O 2 , CO is bound to the
haem in DcrA to form the CO-bound DcrA. CO-bound DcrA-N shows
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