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solvent occurs on the tens or hundreds of nanosecond timescale ( van
Wilderen, Key, Van Stokkum, van Grondelle, & Groot, 2009 ). Anisotropy
measurements reveal that the haem-bound CO makes a substantial angle
with the haem normal (ca. 30 ), indicating that the protein environments
in FixL impose strain on the haem-bound CO ( Nuernberger et al.,
2011 ). This strain, which will be caused by the steric interaction among
Ile215, Ile236, and CO, causes CO to tilt away from the perpendicular ori-
entation and would be a reason of a lower CO-binding affinity for FixL
compared with globins ( Nuernberger et al., 2011 ).
Hiruma, Kikuchi, Tanaka, Shiro, and Mizutani (2007) have studied the
structural changes of Sm FixL by means of time-resolved resonance Raman
spectroscopy. They reveal that changes in the time-resolved resonance
Raman spectra occur in three steps. In the step 1, the band intensities of
the n (Fe-His), g 7, and n 8 modes change in a timescale of 0.2-2 m s. In step
2, the intensity of the d (C b C c C d ) band changes in a timescale of 0.8-9 m s. In
step 3, the g 7, n 8, and d (C b C c C d ) modes change after > 1 ms.
The d (C b C c C d ) band is sensitive to the strength of the hydrogen bond of
the haem propionates ( Gottfried et al., 1996 ). The frequency of this band is
down-shifted as the strength of the hydrogen bond decreases. The intensity
of the n 8 mode is correlated with disorder in the orientation of the haem
propionate groups ( Peterson, Friedman, Chien, & Sligar, 1998 ). The g 7
mode is associated with an out-of-plane motion of the methine carbons
of haem, and this mode is observed in the high-spin haems, but not in
the low-spin haems ( Hu, Smith, & Spiro, 1996 ). Thus, the intensity change
of the g 7 mode is indicative of the extent of haem doming.
In the timescale of 10 ns to 10 m s, different relaxations are observed
between O 2 -dissociated and CO-dissociated species ( Hiruma et al.,
2007 ). In this timescale, fast intensity changes of g 7 and n 8 modes are
observed only for O 2 -dissociated species. The intensity change of the
d (C b C c C d ) band is faster for O 2 -dissociated species than for
CO-dissociated species. The n (Fe-His) band shows the intensity change
for the O 2 -dissociated species but not
for CO-dissociated species
Sm FixLH.
The relaxation of the n (Fe-His) band after ligand photo-dissociation is
different between Sm FixLH and Bj FixLH especially for O 2 -dissociated spe-
cies. In picosecond time-resolved resonance Raman spectroscopy with
Bj FixLH, the n (Fe-His) band is not observed even at a time delay as short
as 0.5 ps after photolysis of O 2 -bound Bj FixLH, which is consistent with
ultrafast O 2 rebinding described earlier ( Kruglik et al., 2007 ).
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