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of the (FixL) 2 (FixJ) 2 complex with ATP but affects neither ATP binding
( K d
ca. 100 m M) nor the (FixL) 2 (FixJ) 2 complex formation ( K d
4 m M) ( Sousa, Gonzalez, & Gilles-Gonzalez, 2005 ).
ADP produced from ATP bound in the kinase domain of Sm FixL acts as
an allosteric effector, reducing O 2 -binding affinity of the sensor domain in
Sm FixL ( Nakamura et al., 2004 ). The K d (O 2 ) values of the (FixL) 2 (FixJ) 2
complex are 56 and 218 m M in the absence and presence of ADP, respec-
tively ( Nakamura et al., 2004 ). O 2 -binding/dissociation kinetics measure-
ments by stopped flow method reveal that decrease in O 2 -binding affinity
is mainly caused by an increase of k off (rate constant of O 2 dissociation)
( Nakamura et al., 2004 ). Nakamura et al. (2004) propose “a two-cylinder
reciprocating engine model” of the ADP-dependent acceleration of kinase
reaction, where ADP produced at the ATP-binding site in the FixL kinase
domain of one subunit in the (FixL) 2 (FixJ) 2 complex reduces the O 2 -
binding affinity of the other subunit of FixL in trans -acting manner.
4.1.1 O 2 regulates the activity of FixL
FixL contains a b-type haem and its kinase activity of FixL is regulated by O 2
binding to the haem ( Gilles-Gonzalez, Ditta, &Helinski, 1991 ). Activities of
FixL can be evaluated by autophosphorylation of FixL and/or phosphoryl
group transfer to FixJ. Tuckerman, Gonzalez, Dioum, and Gilles-
Gonzalez (2002) report that O 2 binding to the haem in deoxy Sm FixL
(an external ligand-free Fe 2 þ form) causes > 100-fold decrease in the activity
of Sm FixJ phosphorylation (phosphoryl group transfer from Sm FixL to
Sm FixJ), while autophosphorylation activity of FixL decreases by 15-fold.
They also report that the activity of Sm FixJ phosphorylation activity
decreases by 100-fold upon the oxidation of deoxy Sm FixL to met Sm FixL,
though met Sm FixL shows the same activity for autophosphorylation of
Sm FixL as does deoxy Sm FixL ( Tuckerman et al., 2002 ). Akimoto,
Tanaka, Nakamura, Shiro, and Nakamura (2003) , however, reported that
the met and deoxy forms of Sm FixL show comparable activities for both
autophosphorylation of Sm FixL and Sm FixJ phosphorylation. They demon-
strate that S d S bond formation at Cys301 causes aberrant kinase inactiva-
tion in met Sm FixL ( Akimoto et al., 2003 ). The contents of the aberrant
inactive form with the S d S bond will vary in preparation to preparation.
Once the S d S bond is formed, it remains intact also in deoxy Sm FixL pro-
duced by reduction of met Sm FixL with sodium dithionite. On the other
hand, DTT treatment of met Sm FixL to produce deoxy Sm FixL cleaves
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