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from ferrous to ferric ( Ouellet et al., 2002 ). When NO was added to puri-
fied, fully oxygenated Mtb trHbN, spectral analysis clearly showed oxida-
tion of the protein, with the disappearance of peaks in the a / b region
( Lama et al., 2009; Ouellet et al., 2002 ). In addition, when NO was added
to fully oxygenated trHbN, the wild-type protein was oxidised as deduced
by a flattening of the
region, whereas a mutant with the pre-A region
removed showed no change in this region, suggesting that the protein can-
not either bind NO or proceed with the reaction without the pre-A region
intact ( Lama et al., 2009 ). Resonance Raman spectroscopy predicted that
the ligand on-rate for trHbN would be fast due to the unstrained His res-
idue acting as the proximal haem ligand; consequently, the iron atom can
be brought into a fully planar conformation upon ligand binding, thus
avoiding the constraint that is present in other globins ( Couture et al.,
1999 ). Indeed, the same authors present experimental data which show that
trHbN has a high affinity for O 2 , with the binding process being cooper-
ative ( Couture et al., 1999 ). The authors speculate that this property could
be useful for the protein to function in the low O 2 environments that
Mycobacteria operate in, for example, in the hypoxic granuloma environ-
ment in the lung, as it will be able to capture O 2 for the reaction with NO
even when O 2 concentrations are relatively low. When the kinetics of CO
re-binding to trHbN after photodissociation were investigated, it was
shown that CO re-binds in a single exponential phase, assigned to solvent
phase recombination ( Ouellet et al., 2008 ).
Analysis of the formation of nitrate by Mb trHbN in the presence of NO
and O 2 showed a stoichiometric formation of nitrate when protein was pre-
sent in excess of NO, and stopped-flow spectroscopy detected the produc-
tion of the aquomet form of Mb trHbN without detection of any
intermediates ( Ouellet et al., 2002 ). Similar to Mtb trHbN, Ms trHbN
was purified in the oxy-ferrous form when expressed in E. coli , albeit smaller
at 12.8 kDa as predicted by the amino acid sequence, particularly due to the
lack of pre-A region ( Lama et al., 2006 ). In addition, antibodies raised against
Mtb trHbN can also react with Ms trHbN, reiterating their similarities. As is
the case with M. leprae , where reductive evolution has led to the loss of all
trHbs except trHbO ( Wittenberg et al., 2002 ), perhaps the loss of the pre-A
region is a result of the non-pathogenic lifestyle of M. smegmatis compared
with M. tuberculosis ( Lama et al., 2006 ). Its optical spectra are also very similar
to that of Mtb trHbN, with peaks in the Soret region at 416 nm and in the
region at 543 and 580 nm. Other values obtained with the deoxy fer-
rous and CO-bound forms also conformed to known values for the trHbs.
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