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where B 1 =
σ aw V w /RT and B 2 =
3 n i V w / 4
. Note that B 1 (in
0.66/ T and B 2
m 3 )
10 13
is the number of ions resulting from solute
dissociation, m s is the mass (g) per particle of solute, and M s is the molecular weight
(g/mol) (Seinfeld and Pandis, 1998).
Note the difference between the equation for a pure water droplet and that for an
aqueous solution droplet.Whereas for a pure water droplet there is a gradual approach
of P w
m s /M s , where
P w as r is increased, in the case of an aqueous solution droplet P w can either
increase or decrease with r depending on the magnitude of the second term, B 2 /r 3 ,
which results solely from the solute effects and is a function of its mole number,
m s /M s . When the two terms on the right-hand side become equal, P w = P w ; the
radius at which this is achieved is called the potential radius and is given by
1 / 2
n i
σ aw
r =
The maximum value of ln (P w /P w ) will be reached when the derivative with respect
to the radius goes to zero, which gives a critical radius
3 r .
3 B 1
r c =
B 2 =
A typical plot of P w /P w for both pure water droplets and solution droplets (solute
being nonvolatile, e.g., an inorganic salt or an organic compound) is shown in
Figure 4.6.We shall assume that the concentration of i is low enough that
σ aw remains
unaffected. If the compound is surface active,
σ aw will be lower and hence the Kelvin
term will be even smaller. This can be the case especially for many of the hydropho-
bic compounds of environmental interest (Perona, 1992). Although electrolytes also
affect the surface tension of water, their influence is mostly < 20% within the observed
ranges of concentrations.
For pure water droplets, the curve shows a steep decrease with increasing r . For the
solution droplet, there is an initial steeply rising portion till r c is reached. This results
from the solute effects. Beyond this point, the Kelvin term dominates and the slow
decrease in P w /P w is apparent. Curves such as these are called Kohler curves. They
are useful in estimating the size of an aqueous droplet given the relative humidity
( P w /P w ) and the concentration of the solute.
Consider a fixed ratio of P w /P w . For this fixed value there are two possible radii,
one less than r c and the other greater than r c .For r < r c , the drop is at its equilibrium
value and it therefore quickly loses that water through evaporation and reverts to its
original equilibrium. If r > r c , the drop will have a lower than ambient vapor pressure
upon gaining more water molecules. Therefore, it will continue to accumulate water
and grow in size. If the value of P w /P w is greater than the maximum value, whatever
be the size of the drop, it always has lower than ambient vapor pressure and hence
it continues to grow in size. A drop that has crossed this threshold is said to be
activated . With increasing radius of the drop, the height of the maximum decreases
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