Environmental Engineering Reference
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changes with
, which in turn is affected by the ionic strength I . Since I is
proportional to
, this suggests that at high ionic strength the compressed double
layer near the surface reduces the distance over which long-range interactions due
to the surface potential is felt in solution. This is the basis for flocculation as a
wastewater treatment process to remove particles and colloids. It is also the basis
for designing some air sampling devices that work on the principle of electro-
static precipitation. A number of other applications exist, which we shall explore
in Chapter 4.
The Guoy-Chapman theory is elegant and easy to understand, but it has a major
drawback. Since it considers particles as point charges, it fails when x r , the radius
of a charged particle. Stern modified the inherent assumption of zero volume of
particles assuming that near the surface there is a region excluded for other particles.
In other words, there are a number of ions “stuck” on the surface that have to be
brought into solution before other ones from solution replace them. Thus, the drop-
off in potential near the surface is very gradual and almost flat till x reaches r , beyond
which the Guoy-Chapman theory applies.The region is called the Sternlayer . Further
modifications to this approach have been made, but are beyond the scope of this topic.
Interested students are encouraged to consult Bockris and Reddy (1970) for further
Calculate the double-layer thickness around a colloidal silica particle in a 0.001 M
NaCl aqueous solution at 298 K.
= ( 4 π e 2 / ε kT) Σ n i z i . We know that Σ n i z i = 2 n , e = 4.802 × 10 10 C, ε =
78.5, k = 1.38 × 10 16 erg/molecule K, and T = 298 K. Noting the relationship
between C i and n i given earlier, we can write κ
= 1.08 × 10 15 C i , hence κ = 3.28 ×
10 7 , C 1 / 2
= 1.038 × 10 6 cm 1 . Hence double-layer thickness 1 / κ = 9.63 × 10 7 cm
( = 96.3Å).
3.1 1 Calculate the mole fraction, molarity, and molality of each compound in
an aqueous mixture containing 4 g of ethanol, 0.6 g of chloroform, 0.1 g
of benzene, and 5 × 10 7 g of hexachlorobenzene in 200 mL of water.
3.2 1 A solution of benzene in water contains 0.002 mole fraction of benzene.
The total volume of the solution is 100 mL and has a density of 0.95 g/cm 3 .
What is the molality of benzene in solution?
3.3 2 Given the partial pressure of a solution of KCl (4.8 molal) is 20.22Torr at
298 K and that of pure water at 298 K is 23.76Torr, calculate the activity
and activity coefficient of water in solution.
3.4 2 Give that μ
=− 386 kJ/mol for carbon dioxide on the molality scale,
calculate the standard chemical potential for carbon dioxide on the mole
fraction and the molarity scale.
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