Information Technology Reference
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Table 6. Considering Dropping the Digital Service within 6 Months
Subscription status
No. of subscribers
No. considering dropping
IPTV users subscribing to digital
22 (6 have DTTV)
5 (22.7%)
IPTV users having DTTV
63 (6 have digital cable)
6 (9.5%)
IPTV users having at least 2
digital TV platforms
23 (29.5%)
considered dropping IPTV
satisfied with the information function (M=3.16)
than those users who still subscribed to cable TV
(M=2.83) (p<.01). In some ways, the information
function provided by IPTV might have had a
functional displacement effect on some cable TV
subscribers. In reality, CHT does provide more
interactive functions than the cable TV services.
effect of CHT's IPTV on the cable TV platform
was therefore not clear.
This study also defines the “platform displace-
ment effect” and demonstrates that since almost
sixty percent of the IPTV users who were also
cable TV subscribers stopped subscribing to cable
TV, the platform displacement effect does occur.
The main reasons for cable TV's non-subscription
included “the subscription is too expensive”,
“children have to concentrate on study,” and “no
time to watch TV.” This shows that the subscrib-
ers were very sensitive to price. The cable TV
monthly fee is almost four times that of IPTV in
Taiwan. However, 19% of IPTV users still kept
their cable TV service, perhaps because they could
not feel satisfied with the limited programs that
IPTV provides. For the IPTV users who never
subscribed to cable TV, their main reason was
“no time to watch TV” which also echoes the
reference in the literature that people only have a
fixed amount of time to spend on TV.
Those IPTV users who terminated their cable
TV subscription were found to spend more time
The findings of this study show that IPTV does
not have a time displacement effect on IPTV us-
ers subscribing to cable TV. More than 90 percent
of the IPTV users in the sample did not increase
their TV viewing time because of their IPTV
subscription. This proves that people have a fixed
amount of time to spend on TV. For those who
subscribed to both IPTV and cable TV, 87% of
the IPTV/cable TV subscribers maintained their
cable viewing time and only 10.3% decreased
their cable viewing time. The time displacement
Table 7. Correlation between IPTV users' entertainment and information satisfaction with cable TV
Stopping cable TV subscription
Still subscribe(n=111)
Stop cable
IPTV users' entertainment
IPTV users' information
** Significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
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