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Q2: Is there a correlation between the IPTV
users' time displacement in relation to cable TV
and the degree of satisfaction, and demographics?
information function and entertainment function
(Kayany & Yelsma, 2000). Since CHT's IPTV
also provides VOD and interactive services, this
chapter also tries to find out whether there is a
correlation between time displacement and the
IPTV subscribers' use of the functions. In ad-
dition, in terms of the time spent on media, it is
interesting to know whether there is a significant
difference between the different functions and
the time spent on IPTV. The following research
questions are thus proposed:
Q3: Is there a correlation between the IPTV
users' time displacement on cable TV and the
functions IPTV provides?
Q4: Is there a significant difference between
IPTV's functional approach and IPTV viewing?
Functional Displacement
Time displacement suggests that the more time
that users spend on a new medium, the less time
they will spend on existing media. However, the
concept of functional displacement is that a new
medium will displace the existing media if they can
serve similar function in a better or more effective
way (Schramm et al., 1961; Lee & Leung, 2006).
Henke & Donohue (1989) suggested that
functional displacement at an individual level
recognizes that patterns of media use depend
on individual needs and motivations; and which
medium one uses to meet the needs can change
rapidly as new media or technological innovations
emerge. When the new medium serves the same
functions as the existing media, such competition
can “result in either of them becoming irrelevant
or secondary” in satisfying the needs of the people
(Kayany & Yelsma, 2000).
In the development of media, some studies
have pointed out that when the users have dif-
ferent choices for similar function, they might
choose alternative media for similar functions.
Therefore, functional displacement will occur.
Himmelweit, Oppenheim & Vince (1958) found
that television displaced radio listening, movie
attendance and comic reading because they all had
a similar ''escape'' function. Perse & Courtright
(1993) argued that cable TV and the VCR were
alternatives to broadcast television because they
fulfilled the same functions of relaxation and en-
tertainment. Kayany & Yelsma (2000) concluded
that the functional equivalence perspective could
explain Kaplan's findings, namely, that when users
consider the TV function of cable TV, terrestrial
TV and IPTV, functional displacement will occur.
Therefore, theoretically it is also possible to have
time displacement. According to the previous
studies, the functions that TV provide include the
Platform Displacement
No studies in the literature have mentioned the
term “platform displacement.” The authors are thus
very interested in finding out whether IPTV will
have a “platform displacement” effect on cable TV,
namely, whether IPTV users who are also cable
subscribers will stop subscribing to cable TV or
digital cable TV. Terrestrial TV, cable TV and IPTV
all provide TV programs in the form of TV chan-
nels, and they are all TV services. However, when
they go digital, they need to have a set-top-box
to receive the programs (Only DTTV can also be
received through a digital tuner built into the TV).
The three above-mentioned TV services usually
promote channels via the TV platform. Digital
cable TV and IPTV not only provide TV programs,
but also interactive services. CHT's IPTV even
provides VOD service. Although digital cable TV
can also provide VOD service, Taiwan's cable
operators still hesitate to provide VOD services.
Therefore, platform displacement can be defined
by stating that subscribers will stop subscribing to
the existing platform (such as cable TV) because
they feel they can be served by the new platform
(such as IPTV). Since DTTV users do not have
to pay subscription fee, this chapter only focuses
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