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evidence demonstrates, is a contingent and situated historical process. The 'before' and
'after' approach risks obscuring the complex and accumulative political processes that
have culminated in the current 'Left Turn' era and that is characterised by augmented
state power. In fact, the process of nationalisation can be seen as a perfectly rational
strategy that should be implemented, and often is implemented independently of polit-
ical leanings, when the state is capturing only a fraction of the revenues generated by
resource extraction (Berrios et al. 2011). A theory of nationalisation would thus first
need to focus as much on explanations of continuities as it does on breakages in histor-
ical patterns. Secondly, it always has to be seen in close relation to the political project
that actually motivates the nationalisation process, assuming, according to Polanyi,
that economic structures must always be embedded in broader societal structures.
Doing so necessitates a move beyond simplistic arguments that 'nothing has changed'
or 'these are old wines in new bottles', and instead grappling with the specificities of
potential forms of political and economic control over nationalised industries and the
related political or transformation process.
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Almaráz Paz, S. 2010. Obra completa . La Paz: Plural Editores.
Arsel, M. 2012. Between Marx and Markets? The State, the “Left Turn'' and Nature in Ecuador.
Tijdschrift Voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 103, no. 2: 150-63.
Arsel, M. and B. Büscher. 2012. Nature™ Inc.: Changes and Continuities in Neoliberal
Conservation and Market-based Environmental Policy. Development and Change 43, no.
1: 53-78.
Arsel, M. and N. A. Angel. 2012. “Stating'' Nature's Role in Ecuadorian Development: Civil
Society and the Yasuní-ITT initiative. Journal of Developing Societies 28, no. 2: 203-27.
Arsel, M., and M. Spoor (Eds.). 2010. Water, environmental security and sustainable devel-
opment: conflict and cooperation in Central Eurasia. Central Asian Survey 29, no. 3:
Arteaga C. and D. Jijón. 2007. “Interview with Galo Chiriboga, Ecuadorian Minister of Mines
and Petroleum.'' Ecuador Mining News . September 10, 2007.
Belmonte, M and N. Vargas. “Refundarán Comibol con cinco empresas estatales mineras.''
Página Siete. April 6, 2011 http://www.paginasiete.bo/2011-04-07/Economia/Destacados/
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Berrios, R., A. Marak and S. Morgenstern. 2011. Explaining hydrocarbon nationalization in
Latin America: Economics and political ideology. Review of International Political Economy
18, no. 5: 673-97.
Bolivia. Ministerio de Desarrollo Rural, Agropecuario y Medio Ambiente. Plan de desarrollo
sectorial. Revolución agraria y forestal. (La Paz), 2007.
Bolivia. Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas Públicas. Memoria de la Economía Boliviana
2010 . (La Paz), 2011. http://www.plataformaenergetica.org/sites/default/files/mem_econ_
bol_2010.pdf (accessed May 24, 2011).
Bolivia. Ministerio de Minería y Metalurgia. Código de Minería Law 1777 17/03). 1997.
http://bolivia.infoleyes.com/shownorm.php?id=532 (accessed: March 23, 2012)
Bolivia. Presidency of the Republic, Constitution of the state. (La Paz), 2009.
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