Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
void Awake () {
//Get Text Component
MyText = GetComponent<Text>();
//Load text data from resources folder
TextData = Resources.Load("TextData") as TextAsset;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
//Update text label component
MyText.text = TextData.text;
More information on resource folders and the Resources class
is available in the online Unity documentation at http://docs. .
AssetBundles and external files
If you're using Unity Pro and want to offer dynamic content to users, allowing
gamers to modify ( mod ) game content, add their own assets, and add-ons, as
well as support your own add-ons and plugins, then AssetBundles can be useful.
AssetBundles let you package together many disparate Unity assets into a single,
external file outside the main project, which can be loaded into any Unity project
dynamically, either from a local file on disk or via the Internet:
Building AssetBundles from selected assets
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