Game Development Reference
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From this, you now have a completed and enhanced Skybox, one that surrounds
the camera and rotates to produce greater realism and life in your scenes. You can
even go further by adding multiple stacked skyboxes within each other, each with
transparency, to create additional effects such as fog, mist, and so on:
Completing a manual Skybox prefab
Procedural meshes
Although Unity now offers a Quad primitive from the application menu, which
you can access by navigating to GameObject | 3D Object | Quad , it's still useful to
know how to create geometry manually, such as Quads. There are several reasons
for this. First, you'll frequently need to edit vertices in the script to move, animate,
or distort meshes for various effects to create, for example, a jelly-like surface in a
platform game that bends and wobbles whenever characters step on it. Second,
you'll need to edit the UV coordinates of a mesh, perhaps, to create animated or
scrolling-texture effects, as shown here:
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