Game Development Reference
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Lines 13, 23, and 29 : The WizardEnumerator class implements the methods
and properties of IEnumerator , specifically, MoveNext (which iterates over to
the next wizard in the cycle), Reset (which resets the iterator back to the first
wizard), and Current (which returns the active wizard in the cycle).
Line 39 : The Wizard class encapsulates a wizard character in the scene and
inherits from two classes: MonoBehaviour and IEnumerable . This means
that all the features of both classes come together in this derived class. It
internally maintains several variables that allow the enumerator to loop
through all the wizard instances in the scene at any time. First, Wizard holds
the FirstCreated and LastCreated static members (which are global to all
the wizard instances). These variables are set when objects are created (see
the Awake function in line 58). FirstCreated always refers to the instance of
a wizard that was created first, and LastCreated always to the most recently
created instance.
Lines 48 and 52 : The Wizard class also maintains the instance variables,
NextWizard and PrevWizard . This implements a doubly-linked list; that
is, each instance of the wizard points to the previously and subsequently
created instance, which allows a chain-like connection between all wizards.
The first wizard will have PrevWizard or null , and the last wizard will have
NextWizard or null . These variables make it possible for the iterator to cycle
through all wizard instances even when none of them are in an array.
Line 86 : The GetEnumerator method returns an instance to an Enumerator
object. This is required by the IEnumerable interface and allows a foreach
loop across all wizards.
Together, the Wizard and WizardEnumerator classes offer fast, direct, and
efficient Wizard object cycling, even though no array of wizards need to truly
exist. To see this in practice, in a scene of wizards, the following code sample 6-9
can enumerate all wizards:
void Update()
//Press space to list all wizards in scene
//Get first wizard through static member
Wizard WizardCollection= Wizard.FirstCreated;
//If there is at least one wizard, then loop them all
if(Wizard.FirstCreated != null)
//Loop through all wizards in foreach
foreach(Wizard W in WizardCollection)
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