Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
localPosition versus position
The Transform component exposes two main position members:
position and localPosition . Setting either of these will change
an object's position in specific and distinct ways. The position member
always defines an object's position in world space as a measure from
the world origin. Setting this variable in script, therefore, might not
correspond to the numbers you actually see for the Transform component
in the Object Inspector when the object is selected. If your object is a child
of another object that's not positioned to the world origin, for example,
then Unity would offset the object's local position away from its parent,
by however much is necessary, to position it at the world space location
that is specified. The localPosition member, in contrast, corresponds
directly to the position value shown for the Transform component in
the Object Inspector. Specifically, it specifies the position of an object as
a measured offset away from its parent location or else from the world
origin if the object has no parent. In the latter case, both the position
and localPosition members will be identical.
More information on the GetComponent function can be found in
the online Unity documentation at
ScriptReference/GameObject.GetComponent.html .
You can also access the Unity documentation from the MonoDevelop
Help menu, by navigating to Help | Unity API Reference .
Getting multiple components
Occasionally, you'll want to retrieve multiple components in a list: sometimes, a list
of all components and sometimes, a list matching only a specific type. You can get
this using the GetComponents function. See the following code sample 3-2. As with
the GetComponent function, it's good practice to call GetComponents during one-off
events such as Start and Awake as opposed to frequent events such as Update :
01 using UnityEngine;
02 using System.Collections;
03 //-----------------------------------------------------
04 public class MyCustomComponent : MonoBehaviour
05 {
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