Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
sticking plaster: Band-Aid
sticky tape: Scotch tape
stone: 14 pounds (measurement of weight)
stroppy: bad-tempered
subway: underground walkway
suet: fat from animal rendering (sometimes used in cooking)
sultanas: golden raisins
surgical spirit: rubbing alcohol
suspenders: garters
suss out: figure out
swede: rutabaga
ta: thank you
take the mickey: tease
tatty: worn out or tacky
taxi rank: taxi stand
telly: TV
tenement: stone apartment house (not necessarily a slum)
tenner: £ 10 bill
theatre: live stage
tick: a check mark
tight as a fish's bum: cheapskate (watertight)
tights: panty hose
tin: can
tip: public dump
tipper lorry: dump truck
top hole: first rate
top up: refill a drink
torch: flashlight
towel, press-on: panty liner
towpath: path along a river
trainers: sneakers
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