Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
• Harry Potter fans (and Muggle parents) enjoy visiting places in London where scenes
from the movies were filmed (see here ) —or, better yet, visit the actual sets at the studio
where the movie magic was made (see “The Making of Harry Potter,” later in this
Sights and Activities
Tower of London
The crown jewels are awesome, and the Beefeater tour plays off kids in a memorable and
fun way. Avoid the long ticket lines by buying your ticket in advance (must use within sev-
en days) at the gift shop just below the Tower Hill Tube station ticket office, London travel
agencies, or online at a slight discount.
See the Tower of London Tour chapter.
Museum of London
The museum has a very kid-friendly presentation that takes you from prehistoric times to
the present. The events guide at the entrance details current kids' activities (see listing on
here ) .
Unicorn Theatre
This modern complex presents professional theater for children on two stages (ask about
family discounts, check play's recommended ages before booking, café, on the South
Bank just behind City Hall, 147 Tooley Street, Tube: London Bridge; tel. 020/7645-0560, ).
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