Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
History paintings reflected great moments from the past, from ancient Greece to me-
dieval knights, Napoleon to Britain's battles abroad. These were seen as the classiest form
of art, combining the high drama of heroic acts with refined technique.
Other artists made supernatural, religious fantasy-scapes. God is found within nature,
and nature is charged with the grandeur and power of God.
(See “Tate Britain Overview” map, here .)
In the world's wealthiest nation, the prosperous middle class dictated taste in art. They ad-
mired paintings that were realistic (showcasing the artist's talent and work ethic), depicting
Norman Rockwell-style slices of everyday life.
We see families and ordinary people eating, working, and relaxing. Some paintings
tug at the heartstrings, with scenes of parting couples, the grief of death, or the joy of
families reuniting. Dramatic scenes from classical (Chaucer and Shakespeare) and popu-
lar literature get the heart beating. There's the occasional touching look at the plight of the
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