Travel Reference
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Imagine a hundred men on a boat this size (yes, this replica is full-size) circling the
globe on a three-year voyage, sleeping on the wave-swept decks, suffering bad food, flog-
gings, doldrums, B.O., and attacks from foreigners. They explored unknown waters and
were paid only from whatever riches they could find or steal along the way. (I took a bus
tour like that once.)
The Golden Hinde (see the female deer, or hind, on the prow and stern) was Sir Fran-
cis Drake's flagship as he circumnavigated the globe (1577-1580). Drake, a farmer's son
who followed the lure of the sea, hated Spaniards. So did Queen Elizabeth I, who hired
him to plunder rich Spanish vessels and New World colonies in England's name.
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