Travel Reference
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the river formed the western boundary of the walled city. Between you and the towering
dome of St. Paul's stands Wren's steeple-topped church of St. Martin-within-Ludgate. It
incorporates the old city wall into its west wall, at the old city entrance known as Ludgate.
After crossing Farringdon Road, look left down Old Bailey Street to see a dome crowned
by a golden statue of justice, which marks the...
Old Bailey—Central Criminal Court
England's most infamous criminals—from the king-killers of the Civil War to the radically
religious William Penn, from the “criminally homosexual” Oscar Wilde to the Yorkshire
Ripper—were tried here, in Britain's highest criminal court. On top of the copper dome
stands the famous golden Lady who weighs and executes Justice with scale and sword.
The Old Bailey is built on the former site of Newgate Prison, with its notorious execution-
by-hanging site. Inside, you can visit courtrooms and watch justice doled out the old-fash-
ioned way (see here ) . Bewigged barristers argue before stern judges while the accused sit
in the dock.
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